The Purposeful Entrepreneur Workshop
Engaging in Profit with Purpose
A 1 day workshop giving staff the understanding and optimism needed to
drive your business, and innovate in the Age of Acceleration.
"It's the first time in human history that nobody knows what the world will look like in 20 years time"
Yuval Noah Harari
Environmental and social changes are a material threat and opportunity for business.
The best staff want to work for the most responsible businesses.
Innovation is fed by informed, engaged and empowered employees.
The world of commerce is having to adapt to urgent ecosystem concerns; no business should be left behind.
These workshops offer a single solution to the multiple opportunities in front of leaders today.
What's the Outcome?
A team that sees new opportunities your business can seize.
Advocates of pragmatic yet purposeful growth.
A collection of actionable ideas.
Who I help
Businesses that want their staff aware of the changing world around them, optimistic about their future, and engaged in helping the business adapt and thrive.
Session 1
The Changing World
We look at the myriad changes we are witnessing today and find optimism in how innovation and commerce can help us mitigate and adapt.
Climate change and biodiversity
Social fragmentation and division
Economic uncertainty
Rapid technological advances
Clarity on the issues that matter to your business.
Session 2
Your Business
Understanding the readiness of your company and its stakeholders to harness that insight, addressing challenges and seizing opportunities.
A Materiality Assessment
Persepctives of key stakeholders
Is your culture ready?
Who to follow? Who to learn from?
How to turn understanding into action.
Session 3
The Hackathon
Designing new products or services that respond to external and internal pressures, not only driving business but addressing societal problems at the same time.
A hackathon for ideas
Aligning trends and growth
Bonding teams
Sense checking
Actionable ideas to apply right now.
About Mark Haviland
Dedicated to bringing the best out of those he works with, Mark uses his extensive expertise and purpose to run workshops that inspire optimism and confidence, while providing the business with energised and engaged staff.
His time with NGOs in the marine sector and East Africa, bring practical examples and lived-experience, connecting business and societal needs.
His purpose is to align commercial needs with those of our planet and society, helping people and business thrive.
A career with The Walt Disney Company, CNN and Rakuten has provided best in class corporate insights that ensure pragmatic and focused direction.
Alongside Shift17 Workshops, Mark leads a 30-year project to restore Lake Victoria in East Africa
with Train My Generation, is Vice Chair of the UK's Marine Conservation Society, and SEN Enterprise Advisor with the Education Development Trust.
If you seek prosperity and impact, profit with purpose, or simply want to know more about the revolution we are experiencing, please get in touch.
Full day workshops for up to 25 attendees start at £3,500+VAT
Tailored on consultation.
Shifting mindsets to the 17 SDGs